
Saturday, October 1, 2011

illeeyany big day & sigs mini reunion

beautiful weekend with beautiful people
spend my saturday with my gurlfrends
mini reunion ex sigsian...

heading to Illeeyany weddings
at taman mawar pasir gudang

hway x jammed
so 15 min dh smp ke pasir gudang

then arrive
meet a lot of ex sigsian
it just like mini reunion
sronok sgt
ade yg lebih kurang 5 tahun x jumpe..
after spm la last jumpe dorg sme

cntek2 sme dorggg..
and plus the bride pon sgt cantekk...

with the gorgeous qeera

with them
lain dh sme kn..

with beautiful jess- the schoolmate dr tadika smp sigs

me, jess , jha n dayah rafizi a.k.a smack

with nana

jue me n gha

gha, me farah, arfah, nana , sasha, n teem

kenyang sudah mkn

me, gha n arfah

cik arfah kite mcm puteri dr arab

farah ni tiap2 bulan pon jumpe..ehhehe

us with beautiful illeeyany smantre menunggu pengantin laki

miza, teem, me n nana

ex sigsian...

the best part is bile kiterorg disuruh
jadi toll gate gurl heheh
yess dapat toll dr pengantin laki..thanx
selamat pengantin bru

ni la pengantin illeeyany dan alif
bersama pengapitnye..
pengapit die hensem kan..hahhaha

ahahha sempat lagi
really have fun today..
meet long time no see punye schoolmate kn
mane x sronok
ni nseb bek sme nk cpt
klo x duk sembang ade gak smp ke mlm

n for those yg x dpt amek gambar
sorry..pns sgt td..pnt sudahh
anyway nice to meet them back..

after this turn spe la naik pelamin.....

saper2 yg nak kawen tu jemput la k...

bis cite pasal kwen..otw blek
rse mcm nak gi lepak2 lg..
xpuaskan borak2..
mule2 sme cm nk g wayang tp
nti rushing sbb jue nak blek cpt

so bile jue tbe2 ckp die nk blanje tutti frutti
or i called it tutty fatty hahaha
sme org cm bersorak yeahhh
yelah spe xnak kn
org nk blanje tu..
so we heading to kebun teh

duduk2 gossip2
cte2 gelak2 kutuk2 sme de
best gilerr
will miss them giler2..
kowg blek jb slalu k
opps lupe ade org tu nak blanje seoul garden kan next
okk will set the date

cik farah jgn lupe k next date kite..
muah muah muah

cube teka eskem spe plg besar tu

mestila tuan punye bdan yg blanje kn...

till meet u thenn..

see ya..

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