Monday, May 25, 2009
2:24 PM
i just checked my sem 2 exam result..and alhamdulillah..its improve from the first sem...even though there are some grade that i don't satisfied..but then i think its ok..i will work harder for the next sem... at least it was an inspiration and motivation for me to work harder and harder... i don't want to repeat all the mistakes that i did in matrix...getting the average result have made me to forget my dreams to become physiotherapist or nutritionist. maybe u can dream to be anything that u want but with no effort or hard work u cant achieve anything... but for me concentration is most important thing... u have to pay all attention in everything u do to get a better result. be focus and work hard to make your dreams come true...but sometimes failure is the stepping stone to success... u learned from it and it u will not repeat it again n again.
at first when i decided to pursue my degree to ipts... i feel inferior because most of my frend in matrix had pursue their dreams to all establish university in our country and some of my friend said that 'asal ko tolak ipta dulu, masuk ipts bukannye bagus mahal jek'..yeah its true but for me i do what the best for me... and i never regret sbab tolak tawaran unimas dulu.. because i know that course tak sesuai for me n no pasaran keje... choose the right course bukan hanye kerana university tu terkenal or sbb die ipta tp kos yg ditawarkan bukan2 and yg plg penting course tu kiter minat.. dont do something that u hate..kerana nanti ia hanya akan buat diri u merana..
what ever it kat ipts ke ipta ke mane2 kolej ke same jek..masing2 ade rezeki masing2. yang penting kite ade keinginan untuk belajar dan capai apa yang kite nak untuk masa depan kita..
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dihari mulia ni aku sebenarnye nak minta maf mase kat plkn dulu.aku nak bgth mase 2 yang aku x layak nak bkawan like couple sebab aku orang susah x mcm ko orang senang.hari raya nie aku g johor baru blik dr compliment kat tldm kuantan dharap ko maafkan aku(sedih plak aku ni.hahahaha)k la klu ko kahwin ajak la aku makan nasi minyak tau.he3.raya dtg la rumah aku tp cll aku pkai no ni 0177259677.xnk cll pun xpe aku tarak kesah punye.n then salam ramadhan dpd aku yg berada diperantaun duatas kapal yg bosar ni.salam ramadhan dpd geng tldm utk orang len bukan ko.ha3k la aku ada keje ni salam 2 mek adiba zehan
owhh...ingat dh lupe kwn td..aku xnak ungkit kesah dulu..aku cume nk ckp aku x penah eksah pon nak kwn ngn spe2..susah ke sng ke kite ttap manusia..aku x pnah pon pilih kwn atas dasar material or sbb die anak dato or datin..aku kwn ngn sme org...aku lom nk kawin agi...jodoh x jumpe agi..but insyaallah nanti aku bgtau ko kalo nk kawin
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